The gallows were already in place. Both the number of condemned and the nature of their crimes created a deep division in the Ministry of Justice as to how to properly publicize the executions for maximum effect . . .
So begins The Four, a tale of slaughter, redemption, and hope not only for our heroes–a routine patrol committing routine genocide–but for their nation.
A military squad, speeding its way to rape and murder, is captured and taken hostage by a primitive tribe. Their wills broken, they are transformed. During this transition, they learn they are the pivotal point in a larger, more complex conspiracy whose ultimate goal is to expose the government’s genocide to the world in a way that can’t be ignored. They are “The Four.”
This action novel moves rapidly and features graphic violence, ritual, humor, torture, and truth to create a genre-defying story readers describe as cinematic. Its ultimate lesson: People, groups, and societies can change, if enough are willing to pay the price.
The Four is truly unique in topic–genocide from the killer’s point of view–and transformation.
The Four is a natural extension of R.L. Bissell’s work as an attorney, mediator, historian, writer, and believer there is an ultimate good available for all. This is his first full novel although he writes and lectures frequently on a variety of topics.
A great book with an important message
Exceptionally well-written with great characters, humor, and action. The message is thought-provoking, hopeful, and inspiring. A great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kasi Simmering